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How to setup Conference Call on Samsung?
To use a conference call, you must first enter a unique access code or dial-in numbers into your Samsung. Once you are connected, you must provide your security passcode or pound sign. A Conference Call Settings in Samsung enables two or more people to speak simultaneously and is commonly used in business to distribute information and hold meetings. To set up a conference calling service on your Samsung, follow the instructions below:
o On your Galaxy S9, you can add more than one person to a conference call. To add more people, tap the Manage button, and then select the person you want to call. You can also merge calls with the merge option to add them to the same conference call. Once you have joined a conference, you can then take action with each individual. You can also use the Merge option to reorder the callers in your call list.
o After a conference call is established, you can add other participants to it. To add more callers, you need to press the “Add Call” icon. Repeat steps 3 and 4 if necessary. After a few calls, you can merge them with a single call. You can also merge multiple calls with the Merge option. In a conference, the caller’s name and contact information will appear under the merged call.
Conference Call Settings in Samsung:
Setting up a conference call on a Samsung smartphone is easy. To make a call, simply press the keypad and dial the first number. Once the first party has been added, you can choose to add the second and third parties by selecting them from your contacts or recent calls. To end the whole call, tap Hang Up. This allows you to let the other person know that you have terminated the conference. The other party can then end the call.
In order to make a conference call on your Samsung smartphone, you will need to open the phone’s app. Once you have a selected contact, you can click on the “Add” button. Once you’ve selected the number, click “Add to Conference.” Once you’ve added the other people to the call, you can switch to video mode or add more contacts. This will make your call much more effective. You can even turn the conference call from audio to video.
To make a conference call on your Samsung smartphone, you should first turn off the ringer on your phone and make sure the battery is fully charged. If you don’t, it could indicate a weak signal. Also, turn off the ringer switch on your device. This will mute all sounds except the phone’s speaker. Another thing to keep in mind is that the sound quality of the speakerphone on a mobile device is terrible. Don’t strain yourself trying to hear someone when they’re speaking on the phone.
Samsung Conference Call Limit:
If you want to join a conference call, you can set a limit of four numbers to allow you to hold as many conversations as you want. To increase this number, you must hold two calls simultaneously. First, ask the person holding the first call to hold it. Then, you can tap the Add Phone icon. Now, enter the number of the second friend or choose it from your contacts. After the second friend answers, press the Manage button.
On the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, you can merge up to five calls into one. To do this, you must first hold the new call and tap the ‘i’ button. Then, tap the ‘+’ sign next to the other number to initiate a merger. You can also delete a conference call by tapping the ‘x’ button. This will terminate the whole call. Then, you can merge the two calls to create a larger one.
In iOS 6, tap the ‘i’ icon beside the phone number you’d like to merge. If you’d like to merge two calls, tap the red ‘phone’ icon beside the name of the other person and choose End. You can then merge calls if you’d like. With Android phones, you can merge up to five calls. The Samsung Conference Call Limit is five per call. When you’re using the phone, you can choose up to five conference calling parties. To merge more than five calls, simply hold one call at a time.